The Alerts Log window can be customized through the Alerts Log Properties window.
How to access the Alerts Log Properties window
You can access the Alerts Log properties dialog window by clicking on your right mouse button and selecting the menu .
Available properties and definitions
The following properties are available for configuration within the Alerts Log Properties window:
Property Definitions
Grid font
Sets the font options
Instrument type - Forex
Filter by Forex instrument type
Instrument type - Future
Filter by Future instrument type
Instrument type - Index
Filter by Index instrument type
Instrument type - Option
Filter by Option instrument type
Instrument type - Stock
Filter by Stock instrument type
Instrument type - CFD
Filter by CFD instrument type
Priority - high
Filter by high priority
Priority - medium
Filter by medium priority
Priority - low
Filter by low priority
Receive alerts from all active workspaces
Sets if the window receives alerts from other active workspaces.
Source - Chart
Filter from alerts triggered by Charts
Source - Market Analyzer
Filter from alerts triggered by the Market Analyzer
Source - Hot List Analyzer
Filter from alerts triggered by the Hot List Analyzer
Source - News
Filter from alerts triggered by the News Window
Source - NinjaScript
Filter from alerts triggered from custom NinjaScript files
Time format
Sets the format used for the time column
Tab name
Sets the name of the tab, please see Managing Tabs for more information.
Sets if the Instrument name column is displayed
Instrument type
Sets if the Instrument type column is displayed
Sets if the Message column is displayed
Sets if the Priority column is displayed
Sets if the Source column is displayed
Sets if the Time column is displayed
Always on top
Sets if the window will be always on top of other windows.
How to preset property defaults
Once you have your properties set to your preference, you can left mouse click on the "preset" text located in the bottom right of the properties dialog. Selecting the option "save" will save these settings as the default settings used every time you open a new window/tab.
If you change your settings and later wish to go back to the original settings, you can left mouse click on the "preset" text and select the option to "restore" to return to the original settings.