Returns a custom collection of ChartAnchors which will represent various points of the drawing tool.
Note: You must declare this property with the chart anchors used in the drawing tool which you plan on using for iteration. Doing so will expose a simple enumerator which will allow you to to iterate over the chart anchors in which have been defined in this interface.
Property Value
A virtual IEnumerable interface consisting of ChartAnchors
You must override this property using the following syntax:
public override IEnumerable<ChartAnchor> Anchors
//defines the chart anchors used for the drawing tool
public ChartAnchor StartAnchor { get; set; }
public ChartAnchor MiddleAnchor { get; set; }
public ChartAnchor EndAnchor { get; set; }
//create a collection of chart anchors used for a simple iteration
public override IEnumerable<ChartAnchor> Anchors
return new[] { StartAnchor, MiddleAnchor, EndAnchor };
//setup our chart anchor instances and assign a display name to each
protected override void OnStateChange()
if (State == State.SetDefaults)
Name = "My Drawing Tool";
StartAnchor = new ChartAnchor();
MiddleAnchor = new ChartAnchor();
EndAnchor = new ChartAnchor();
StartAnchor.DisplayName = "My Start Anchor";
MiddleAnchor.DisplayName = "My Middle Anchor";
EndAnchor.DisplayName = "My End Anchor";
//for each render pass, print out the display name of the chart anchors
protected override void OnRender(ChartControl chartControl, ChartScale chartScale)
foreach (ChartAnchor anchor in Anchors)