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Resets an internal marker used to determine if the chart visuals need to re-render.


ChartControl runs a timed event every 250ms to determine the chart needs to be updated. If it does, the OnRender() method is called. Under normal circumstances, the marker used to call OnRender() will be reset after the following conditions:


OnBarUpdate() event

OnConnectionStatusUpdate() event

User clicks on the chart

Drawing object(s) have been removed from the chart

Strategy enabled/disabled on chart

ChartTrader enabled/disabled


In most cases, the conditions listed above should be satisfactory for rendering standard and custom chart objects; however for more advance programming concepts, there may be other situations you run into which would NOT force the chart to refresh (e.g., a user interacting with a custom control ).  In these special cases, you can use the ForceRefresh() method to re-queue the render event.



Note:  As the chart is optimized on a timer, calling ForceRefresh() will NOT immediately trigger a render event.  Calling ForceRefesh() simply re-queues the render event to trigger during the next timed event. In other words, it may take up to 250ms for the render event to function.



Method Return Value

This method does not return a value





Warning:  Excessive calls to ForceRefresh() and OnRender() can carry an impact on general application performance.  You should only call ForceRefresh() if the chart truly needs to be visually updated.  It is NOT recommended to invalidate the chart control directly as this could cause issues with threading which result in dead locks.



Method Parameters

This method does not accept any parameters




DateTime lastTimeCalled = DateTime.MinValue;
private void MyCustomMethod()
  // if it has been longer than one second since the last time
  // this method was called update the chart visually
  if (Core.Globals.Now.Subtract(lastTimeCalled).Seconds >= 1)
    lastTimeCalled = Core.Globals.Now;