IndicatorBaseConverter Class
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A custom TypeConverter class handling the designed behavior of an indicator's property descriptor collection. Use this as a base class for any custom TypeConverter you are applying to an indicator class.
Notes: •A working NinjaScript demo can be found through the reference sample on "Using a TypeConverter to Customize Property Grid Behavior" •When applying the custom converter, you must fully qualify the name (e.g., "NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.Indicators.MyCustomConveter") •Additional TypeConverter information can be found from the MSDN documentation •See also TypeConverterAttribute •For Strategies, see the StrategyBaseConverter class |
When overriding GetProperties(), calling base.GetProperties() ensures that all default property grid behavior works as designed |
In your custom converter class, you must override GetPropertiesSupported() and return a value of true in order for your custom type converter to work |
public class IndicatorBaseConverter : TypeConverter
Warning: Failure to apply a type of IndicatorBaseConverter on an indicator class can result in unpredictable behavior of the standard NinjaTrader WPF property grid. |
Tip: Common indicator functions like Print() are not available to a type converter instance. To debug a type converter class, you can use the AddOn Debug Concepts or attach to a debugger (recommended) |
//This namespace holds Indicators in this folder and is required. Do not change it. |