Called when the window is restored from a workspace, which is called after OnWindowCreated(). This method is used to recall any custom XElement data from the workspace by referencing a window. Please also see OnWindowSaved() for information on how to store custom XElement data when a window is saved.
Method Return Value
This method does not return a value
OnWindowRestored(Window window, XElement element)
A Window object which is being restored from a workspace
The XElement object representing the workspace being restored
protected override void OnWindowRestored(Window window, XElement element)
Print("OnWindowRestored for " + window.GetHashCode());
// locate the worksapces "SampleAddOn" elemenet which was created and saved earlier using the OnWindowSaved() method
XElement sampleAddOnElement = element.Element("SampleAddOn");
// do not do anything if that element does not exist
if (sampleAddOnElement == null)
// loop through all the contents of the "SampleAddOn" element
foreach (XElement content in sampleAddOnElement.Elements())
// find the "ButtonState" content, restore it's value and set that as our tracked buttonState
if (content.Name == "ButtonState")
bool buttonState = false;
bool.TryParse(content.Value, out buttonState);
//Parse additional elements here
//Don't forget to call the base OnWindowRestored method after you're done.
base.OnWindowRestored(window, element);