Order Flow Cumulative Delta

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Order Flow Cumulative Delta

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An indicator that accumulates the volume of orders filled at bid and ask prices or up and down ticks throughout the session and compares them to determine buy/sell pressure.



OrderFlowCumulativeDelta(CumulativeDeltaType deltaType, CumulativeDeltaPeriod period, int sizeFilter)

OrderFlowCumulativeDelta(ISeries<double> input, CumulativeDeltaType deltaType, CumulativeDeltaPeriod period, int sizeFilter)


Returns Open value

OrderFlowCumulativeDelta(CumulativeDeltaType deltaType, CumulativeDeltaPeriod period, int sizeFilter).DeltaOpen[int barsAgo]

OrderFlowCumulativeDelta(ISeries<double> input, CumulativeDeltaType deltaType, CumulativeDeltaPeriod period, int sizeFilter).DeltaOpen[int barsAgo]


Returns High value

OrderFlowCumulativeDelta(CumulativeDeltaType deltaType, CumulativeDeltaPeriod period, int sizeFilter).DeltaHigh[int barsAgo]

OrderFlowCumulativeDelta(ISeries<double> input, CumulativeDeltaType deltaType, CumulativeDeltaPeriod period, int sizeFilter).DeltaHigh[int barsAgo]


Returns Low value

OrderFlowCumulativeDelta(CumulativeDeltaType deltaType, CumulativeDeltaPeriod period, int sizeFilter).DeltaLow[int barsAgo]

OrderFlowCumulativeDelta(ISeries<double> input, CumulativeDeltaType deltaType, CumulativeDeltaPeriod period, int sizeFilter).DeltaLow[int barsAgo]


Returns Close value

OrderFlowCumulativeDelta(CumulativeDeltaType deltaType, CumulativeDeltaPeriod period, int sizeFilter).DeltaClose[int barsAgo]

OrderFlowCumulativeDelta(ISeries<double> input, CumulativeDeltaType deltaType, CumulativeDeltaPeriod period, int sizeFilter).DeltaClose[int barsAgo]



Return Value

double; Accessing this method via an index value [int barsAgo] returns the indicator value of the referenced bar.





Indicator source data (?)


The type of data to delta calculates on:




The period in which the delta accumulates:




Input to exclude volume less than the selected value




nsCalling the OrderFlowCumulativeDelta() method directly

// A 1 tick data series must be added to the OnStateChange() as this indicator runs off of tick data
else if (State == State.Configure)
  AddDataSeries(Data.BarsPeriodType.Tick, 1);

// OnBarUpdate() logic
if (BarsInProgress == 0)
// Print the close of the cumulative delta bar with a delta type of Bid Ask and with a Session period
Print("Delta Close: " + OrderFlowCumulativeDelta(BarsArray[0], CumulativeDeltaType.BidAsk, CumulativeDeltaPeriod.Session, 0).DeltaClose[0]);
else if (BarsInProgress == 1)
// We have to update the secondary series of the cached indicator to make sure the values we get in BarsInProgress == 0 are in sync
OrderFlowCumulativeDelta(BarsArray[0], CumulativeDeltaType.BidAsk, CumulativeDeltaPeriod.Session, 0).Update(OrderFlowCumulativeDelta(BarsArray[0], CumulativeDeltaType.BidAsk, CumulativeDeltaPeriod.Session, 0).BarsArray[1].Count - 1, 1);


nsCalling the OrderFlowCumulativeDelta() method by reference

private OrderFlowCumulativeDelta cumulativeDelta;


// A 1 tick data series must be added to OnStateChange() as this indicator runs off of tick data

else if (State == State.Configure)


 AddDataSeries(Data.BarsPeriodType.Tick, 1);


else if (State == State.DataLoaded)


      // Instantiate the indicator

      cumulativeDelta = OrderFlowCumulativeDelta(CumulativeDeltaType.BidAsk, CumulativeDeltaPeriod.Session, 0);



if (BarsInProgress == 0)


      // Print the close of the cumulative delta bar with a delta type of Bid Ask and with a Session period

      Print("Delta Close: " + cumulativeDelta.DeltaClose[0]);


else if (BarsInProgress == 1)


      // We have to update the secondary series of the hosted indicator to make sure the values we get in BarsInProgress == 0 are in sync

      cumulativeDelta.Update(cumulativeDelta.BarsArray[1].Count - 1, 1);
