Price Selector

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Price Selector

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NinjaTrader order entry feature which have the ability to place custom orders for Stop-Market, Stop-Limit, Limit and MIT orders such as the Order Ticket, Basic Entry, FX Pro, and FX Board use a standard Price Selector which is used to specify the exact price used for these types of orders.  




Setting and Adjusting Price

The price selector allows you type directly into the editor to specify a price, however you can also use a few shortcuts to obtain current market prices, as well as make quick adjustments to the selected price using your mouse.  The table below shows the various shortcuts that can be used with the Price Selector:


Middle Mouse Click

Sets the current Last Price

Ctrl + Middle Mouse Click

Sets the current Ask Price

Alt + Middle Mouse Click

Sets the current Bid Price

Middle Scroll Up/Down

Adjusts the current price 1 tick

Ctrl + Middle Scroll Up/Down

Adjusts the current price 10 ticks


Order Types and Price Fields

Upon selecting an order type, the relevant fields specific to that type of order will be enabled to allow you to edit the order price before submitting the order.  If a field is not relevant to an order type, it will be disabled.  Note that a Stop-Limit order has both fields enabled which implies that both fields must have a value in order to place this type of order.  


Limit Order - Limit Field


Market Order - No Fields


MIT Order - Stop Field


Stop-Limit Order - Stop and Limit Fields


Stop-Market Order - Stop Field
