The FX Board order entry window is highly efficient by design but can also be customized to your preferences through the FX Board Properties menu.
How to access the FX Board properties window
You can access the FX Board properties dialog window by clicking on your right mouse button within the FX Board window and selecting the menu .
Available properties and definitions
The following properties are available for configuration within the FX Board properties window:
Property Definitions
ATM strategy selection mode
Sets the behavior mode of the price ladder display and strategy selector (see more)
Selects the Market Data Display Text
Grid font
Sets the font options
Highlight duration (ms)
Sets the amount of time a tile will remain highlighted after a new tick
Note: The lowest value which will take effect is 500 (ms)
PnL display unit
Sets the display unit for profit and loss
Quick order entry
Enables / Disables the quick order functionality on the front of an instrument tile
Tab name
Sets the tab name
Tile size
Select the size used for all tiles in the FX Board display
Button background
Sets the color for all buttons
Button foreground
Sets the text color for all buttons
Downtick background
Sets the color used for highlighting when a down tick is detected
Downtick foreground
Sets the text color used for highlighting when a down tick is detected
Order - limit
Sets the color used for limit orders
Order - MIT
Sets the color used for MIT orders
Order - profit target
Sets the color used for profit target orders
Order - stop limit
Sets the color used for stop-limit orders
Order - stop loss
Sets the color used for stop loss orders
Order - stop market
Sets the color used for stop-market orders
Uptick background
Sets the color used for highlighting when a down tick is detected
Uptick foreground
Sets the text color used for highlighting when a down tick is detected
Columns - Orders
Columns (...)
Expanding this section will allow you to disable / enable any of the columns in the Orders Grid display
Always on top
Sets if the window will be always on top of other windows.
Show tabs
Sets if the window should allow for tabs
Display orders grid
Enables / Disables the Order Grid display
How to set the default properties
Once you have your properties set to your preference, you can left mouse click on the "preset" text located in the bottom right of the properties dialog. Selecting the option "save" will save these settings as the default settings used every time you open a new window/tab.
If you change your settings and later wish to go back to the original settings, you can left mouse click on the "preset" text and select the option to "restore" to return to the original settings.
Using Tab Name Variables
Tab Name Variables
A number of pre-defined variables can be used in the "Tab Name" field of the FX Board Properties window. For more information, see the "Tab Name Variables" section of the Using Tabs page.