Valid Input Data for Indicator Methods

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Valid Input Data for Indicator Methods

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System indicator methods require valid input data to function property. Indicator methods can accept the following forms of input data:


Default Input
The default input (Inputs[BarsInProgress]) of the custom indicator, Market Analyzer row or strategy is used if input is not specified.



// Printing the current value of the 10 period SMA of closing prices
// using the default input.
double value = SMA(10)[0];
Print("The current SMA value is " + value.ToString());



Price Series

Open, High, Low, Close and Volume can all be used as input for an indicator method.



// Passing in the a price series of High prices and printing out the current value of the
// 14 period simple moving average
double value = SMA(High, 14)[0];
Print("The current SMA value is " + value.ToString());



Indicators can be used as input for other indicators.



// Printing the current value of the 20 period simple moving average of a 14 period RSI
// using a data series of closing prices
double value = SMA(RSI(Close, 14, 3), 20)[0];
Print("The current SMA value is " + value.ToString());



Series<double> can be used as input for indicators.



// Instantiating a new Series<double> object and passing it in as input to calculate
// a simple moving average
Series<double> myDataSeries = new Series<double>(this);
double value = SMA(myDataSeries, 20)[0];



Bars Object
A Bars object (which holds a series that contains OHLC data) can be used as input for indicators.



// Passing in the second Bars object held in a multi-instrument and timeframe strategy
// The default value used for the SMA calculation is the close price
double value = SMA(BarsArray[1], 20)[0];
Print("The current SMA value is " + value.ToString());;



Tip: The input series of an indicator cannot be the hosting indicator itself, as this will cause recursive loops.



// Using the hosting indicator in this way will cause errors with recursive loops
double value = SMA(this, 20)[0];